Tag Archive: Klown saravia


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    The future is fuckin terrifying, the idea of the unknown is something that haunts the thoughts of countless who meditate on the subject, myself included. But in the infinite number of paths and doors both our own and the other conscious vessels there’s a horror show of beauty, pain and knowledge waiting to be acquired.


    No mystic we seek in the world can come to a conclusion, even with a glimpse through the eye hole, just suggest the best wisdom they have available. I love it. The future is a never ending learning process and it’s forever changing. Even when you feel you’ve come to know it, other factors are introduced and your spiral back to the terror that is square one.  All the knowledge you’ve gained from the past seems to evolve with every second your mind processes more information, so in a sense the future is humbling cause it reminds us about how little we actually know and how far we are willing to push ourselves to continue.


    My future so far is nothing I thought it would be and I’m nowhere I thought I would. But the places I’ve been and experiences I’ve had have all been fucking amazing. But the steps i’m taking now have me pacing like a maniac thinking of where I’ll be headed next…


    Meditate on whats happened, whats coming and what to do to get there. Don’t dwell on past mistakes, embrace the ones coming. Fuck the mystics that tell you your path is set and who you are, you are who you make yourself.








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    I’ve been thinking about  so many things that have happen in my life and after having a very long conversation with  Moms I started to wonder how would things would have turn out if I never had been introduce to tattoos.  I remember very clearly how it started but I never imagined and I still don’t know how it will end.  What I do know is how amazing it has been for the past 22 years.  It has been full of surprises, ups and downs.  What never changes is the support that I get from my family and friends they are always there to help, up uplift and motivate me to keep pushing.  I believe we are here for a reason, we need to find that purpose to be truly happy.  When looking at this picture I  can’t  even start to wonder how this lil kid was able to endure all the trials and tribulation thrown at him and then I realize that we are all special and capable of so much.



    I remember getting out of the hospital in this big grandpa wheel chair unable to move freely,  I also remember the woman who changed my life completely.  She made me realize that not all people are bad they are just misunderstood and as bad as it might seem they all play a big roll in our life.  The people that help us the people who hurt us they are all part of life’s plan.  I don’t  take things personal I rejoice and I move on. Jose-and-Jun-

    Along the way we find people who will re enforce our beliefs  and sometimes remind us of how special we are and help us reignite that confidence in our selfs.  Some time it is a friend or family member some times its someone who you never imagine would make an impact in your life.  I have been very fortunate to have crossed paths with so many people who have been so patient and supportive with me.


    Many have come but only a few will stay and we will grow strong together.  Nothing will stop us, Then 20 years later we will look back at our accomplishments and we will once again give thanks.

    From everyone at Lowrider Tattoo Studios Thank you for all the love and support.

    Jose Lopez


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    Ask and you shall receive… Lowrider Tattoo Studios is proud to announce and welcome you all to join us for our 2013 East Coast Campaign. We can honestly say that this has been one of the most productive and rewarding years for us yet. Between building long lasting relationships with so many clients, and sharing our beloved craft of tattooing with all who are willing and curious, it has been rewarding beyond words. There has been a lot of focus this year on expanding our European campaigns, which meant that most of our time away from the studio in LA, was spent over seas. So with that being said, it was only right that we spend the end the year with all of our people on the East Coast. We will be working privately with select clients at an exclusive location in the New York area. As there is limited availability, we encourage everyone to secure your sessions as soon as possible. So from everyone here at Lowrider Tattoo Studios we are looking forward to sharing this experience with you all.

     We would like salute you all and would like to thank you all once again for the endless amount of love and support we have been seeing. It will be a white christmas for us this year and were ready to work.

    East meets West…

    Book your appointments today.










    instagram: klown_saravia






    instagram: lordpablo






    instagram: noahminuskin


