Tag Archive: lowrider Family


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    The future is fuckin terrifying, the idea of the unknown is something that haunts the thoughts of countless who meditate on the subject, myself included. But in the infinite number of paths and doors both our own and the other conscious vessels there’s a horror show of beauty, pain and knowledge waiting to be acquired.


    No mystic we seek in the world can come to a conclusion, even with a glimpse through the eye hole, just suggest the best wisdom they have available. I love it. The future is a never ending learning process and it’s forever changing. Even when you feel you’ve come to know it, other factors are introduced and your spiral back to the terror that is square one.  All the knowledge you’ve gained from the past seems to evolve with every second your mind processes more information, so in a sense the future is humbling cause it reminds us about how little we actually know and how far we are willing to push ourselves to continue.


    My future so far is nothing I thought it would be and I’m nowhere I thought I would. But the places I’ve been and experiences I’ve had have all been fucking amazing. But the steps i’m taking now have me pacing like a maniac thinking of where I’ll be headed next…


    Meditate on whats happened, whats coming and what to do to get there. Don’t dwell on past mistakes, embrace the ones coming. Fuck the mystics that tell you your path is set and who you are, you are who you make yourself.








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    Clio the muse of History the one who over sees historians, teachers painters and tattooers.  She helps us understand that history is not linear but cyclical involving life, death and rebirth.  History is the never ending evolution, constant transformation and growth.  She is always watching, writing every account to the smallest detail.  I never realize how important this was till I did this tattoo.


    Time never passes unnoticed and time never waits for anyone.  There for we must make use of every second of our life.  At work, at home and with in our self we must continue on with diligence and responsibility.



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    Our boy Carlitos came in to continue on his sleeve composed of all his vices as he calls them.  We started with the king hustle lion on the inside of his arm….It was a little painful at first but he took like a true soldier.  The night was still young so we went ahead and started a image of a rulette of the out side of his arm with all his favorite number including some birthdates of his loved ones and not to forget the ball landing on his own lucky number 27.  Thanks a lot Carlitos you the man.  I’ll see after we get back from London my man HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

    From your friend Jose Lopez


    My man King Hustle.
