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    The future is fuckin terrifying, the idea of the unknown is something that haunts the thoughts of countless who meditate on the subject, myself included. But in the infinite number of paths and doors both our own and the other conscious vessels there’s a horror show of beauty, pain and knowledge waiting to be acquired.


    No mystic we seek in the world can come to a conclusion, even with a glimpse through the eye hole, just suggest the best wisdom they have available. I love it. The future is a never ending learning process and it’s forever changing. Even when you feel you’ve come to know it, other factors are introduced and your spiral back to the terror that is square one.  All the knowledge you’ve gained from the past seems to evolve with every second your mind processes more information, so in a sense the future is humbling cause it reminds us about how little we actually know and how far we are willing to push ourselves to continue.


    My future so far is nothing I thought it would be and I’m nowhere I thought I would. But the places I’ve been and experiences I’ve had have all been fucking amazing. But the steps i’m taking now have me pacing like a maniac thinking of where I’ll be headed next…


    Meditate on whats happened, whats coming and what to do to get there. Don’t dwell on past mistakes, embrace the ones coming. Fuck the mystics that tell you your path is set and who you are, you are who you make yourself.








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    It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I agree, Beauty comes in many forms and we are often distracted by the superficial.  You need to understand that most of us are dominated by one or two of our senses.  One being that of our sight, we get distracted by physical beauty and constantly miss what it is really important……..Character!  Character is everything it supersedes everything and along with ability well it becomes unbreakable.  The beauty of a person, the development of one self, to become an amazing individual and  to let the full  potential come out of ones self, that my friends is the ultimate example of beauty.


    One can say so much about a person some times just by looking at his life work or simply a small fraction of what he is passionated about.  You can begin to see a kind of DNA in his work and it gives you and insight into his soul.  The subjects he chooses and is inspired by holds so much information about his character, his longings, what he holds dear and also what he fears. This are all similar characteristic that we all share.  What distinguishes one from the other is the ability and the courage to not be stopped.  The persistence in a person is another beauty characteristic that I love personally, for it serves as a example and it keeps inspiring others to also reach deep inside and let their beauty come out.  There so many tattoo artists now days that extremely talented but lack good character.  I wish every one nothing but the best and I hope them too can realize how amazing this subject is.  It is life changing and I reiterate this once again it serves as an important example to inspire others.

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    I have strong beliefs and I constantly blame things on luck but sometimes is just not the case.  It takes great effort and dedication to develop such characteristics such as a good personality, Genuity and understanding.  We often get caught up with our own goals and needs that we simply forget to acknowledge all this amazing traits.   Please come in and check it out for your self here at the shop or when we are out at convention and you will be amazed how much beauty there  is in this guy.

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    Thank you for  your time,  please come and check us out https://www.instagram.com/rascal_61g/ this coming August 22nd to the 30th along with other artist here at Lowrider Tattoo while we tour NeW York at the United Ink Tattoo Convention.

    Thank you so much for the love and support.

    Jose Lopez


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    Our friend Brandy came in for the second time to finish a very special tattoo.  The power of the healing hands is something extraordinary it is a radiant, spiritual healing that has been practiced for thousands of years by the Greeks and the Chinese.  This practice was so revered that Grecian statues of Asclepius were made with gold-gilt hands, celebrating the power of touch to heal.  Brandy works with her hands she believes and understands the power that hands conceal.  She spent years looking for the right image to interpret her strong believes in this alternative type of medicine.  We thank you so much for choosing us to help with this exciting project, we also depend on our hands and we are true believers that hands do hold a magical power within which when exercise the right way the possibilities are endless.




    Jose Lopez