If you have tried and met with defeat; if you planned and watched your plans as they were crushed before your eyes; just remember that the greatest men in all history were products of courage, and courage, you know, is born in the cradle of adversity.
Born in bordeaux France son of two proud yet lonely parents who together are sacrificing so much just to make their dreams come true. He gets up every day and works as hard as he can every day even though he swims against the strong current of adversity. Even the strongest willed man can feel down at times but he knows the that there is no room for failure there is no going back there is only one option and thats to keep fighting until his dreams and aspiration can become a reality.
Defeat after defeat he tries different ways to deal with it knowing that it is only temporary, always a smile on his face brushing away the comments and slanders that are thrown at him, he doesnt let anything stop him he knows these are just a few of the life lessons he must learn and overcome. He is young but yet full of courage, courage that many would kill for, he is happy, he is sad, he is lonely for he is thousands of miles away from home, he knows yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow only a vision. But today he will live well and by doing so he will make every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
His name is Robin Hernandez A 21 year old young man who left everything behind to look for a better life which I’m sure by the way he is searching one day in the not to distant future he is sure to find.
‘Most important he has a friend’