Category Archive: Travel


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    It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I agree, Beauty comes in many forms and we are often distracted by the superficial.  You need to understand that most of us are dominated by one or two of our senses.  One being that of our sight, we get distracted by physical beauty and constantly miss what it is really important……..Character!  Character is everything it supersedes everything and along with ability well it becomes unbreakable.  The beauty of a person, the development of one self, to become an amazing individual and  to let the full  potential come out of ones self, that my friends is the ultimate example of beauty.


    One can say so much about a person some times just by looking at his life work or simply a small fraction of what he is passionated about.  You can begin to see a kind of DNA in his work and it gives you and insight into his soul.  The subjects he chooses and is inspired by holds so much information about his character, his longings, what he holds dear and also what he fears. This are all similar characteristic that we all share.  What distinguishes one from the other is the ability and the courage to not be stopped.  The persistence in a person is another beauty characteristic that I love personally, for it serves as a example and it keeps inspiring others to also reach deep inside and let their beauty come out.  There so many tattoo artists now days that extremely talented but lack good character.  I wish every one nothing but the best and I hope them too can realize how amazing this subject is.  It is life changing and I reiterate this once again it serves as an important example to inspire others.

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    I have strong beliefs and I constantly blame things on luck but sometimes is just not the case.  It takes great effort and dedication to develop such characteristics such as a good personality, Genuity and understanding.  We often get caught up with our own goals and needs that we simply forget to acknowledge all this amazing traits.   Please come in and check it out for your self here at the shop or when we are out at convention and you will be amazed how much beauty there  is in this guy.

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    Thank you for  your time,  please come and check us out this coming August 22nd to the 30th along with other artist here at Lowrider Tattoo while we tour NeW York at the United Ink Tattoo Convention.

    Thank you so much for the love and support.

    Jose Lopez


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    In the last months, tattoos of beautiful women have been the most popular.  They look amazing especially when done right. Here at Lowrider Tattoo we take pride in what we do and women is one of the type of tattoos we enjoy doing the most.  Me myself, I love doing hair. There is something about it that really moves me and gets me in the mood.  It is very difficult to pull off but with lots of patiences and endless practice, its all that is needed to master this style.  I have spent 22 years doing this and I’m still learning more about it.


    After you master the hair there is still so much to learn.  Facial features like eyes, lips, and the thing that is the most important a nice gangster touch which is what gives the tattoo the final genuine LA fine line tattoo feel.





    Whether it is a gangster girl, a beautiful traditional señorita or a simple girl with smooth flowing hair it makes no difference as long as you capture the essence of fine line black and grey.  Try to get involved and make a good choice when choosing the right image.   It will make you happier at the end and  so will the artist doing your tattoo. Heres a special shout out to our boy Hans from Belgium for always supporting us every time we are in Europe putting it down, we could not do it with out your help.  We have a lot of stuff in the works so please stay tune and visit our Facebook and Instagram for more updated pictures and news.


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    On an ordinary night as the lights lit up the city of London there was some thing special taking place…  Just minutes from some of the most grand land marks of the city of London Jermain a private security agent greeted hundreds of guest arriving to celebrate the Grand Opening of the new Lowrider Tattoo Studio.  It was overwhelming the amount of people who came to support us from all over the world.  Old friends new friends, tattoo enthusiast, tattoo collectors and party goers they all came together to support all the hard work that was put into this amazing project which has been in the works for the last two years.  Finally after so much work from every one on both end of the world and blood sweat and tears it has become a reality that so many people got to experience.





    Our boy Boogstar was a must attendee, He came to show his support for the brand and really got things going as the Mexican Mariachi showed up and the trumpets began to sing.  It was amazing my good friend Dimitri went all out with so many surprises he had laid out for the night from entertainers caterers and musicians.  So many new friendships were made and most important so many more were re enforced,  I got stranded in the back room unable to get out, a big mistake I had to to work on that day but soon decided to end it to go out and greet the guest.  My good friend for a long time now Doodles show up with the usual Irish touch a bottle of Jameson whisky.  Im proud to announce that he is a member of the Lowrider Tattoo family and has always been.




    We have talked  so much about this with my boy Noah Minuskin, Paul and lee,  They were posted holding up the fort.




    It was a big surprise to see my brothers Enzo and Lucio from Napoli they came to show their love along with our good friend Rodney.  It was a beautiful night but like every other night it had to come to an end but not before giving out some thing special.  Jun had the idea of creating something to give to one lucky person.  Jun, Andrick, Noah, Pablo and me drew up a nice drawing which we raffled away at the end of the night.  It was a perfect night,  everyone was so happy to have Lowrider as part of their own family.





    The most Happiest was me…. The woman who supports me on booth sides was there to see what has come from all the endless nights of hard work.  The only word I can think of to explain how I feel is Blessed.

    Thank you every one for all the love and support.

    Lowrider Tattoo studios London

    Jose Lopez


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    There are no words to explain what I was feeling while this was going on, the only thing I can say is Thank you so much I love you all.


    Jose Lopez


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    To have the privilege to go some where and share good times with friends along with your family is a blessing,  A blessing that I’m very thankful for.  I spent almost two weeks with family and friends  in Brooklyn New York thanks to the art of tattoos and the support we get from our friends.  A few years ago this was unthinkable our future was so uncertain but this did not stop us we still kept doing it because  we were and still are passionate about our craft.  Every second, minute, hour and day we think about tattooing, and when we get a chance we spent the little bit of time with our loved ones, the ones that make it possible for us to work in peace by support us and providing us with the peace of mind that all will be ok and that the end we will be rewarded by the sweet sound of the most beautiful words ‘I’m so proud of you’




    To be appreciated and loved is expected from family, and when it is received equally by others is almost twice as rewarding.  From a total stranger at the barber shop to some one with whom you share your plans for the future it is so amazing to have their unconditional love and support.  I don’t thank people enough almost every second there is someone spending a little bit of their time uplifting us and supporting us whether it be through Instagram, Facebook or logging in to our website.  My Family thanks all of you for you help me make my dreams come true.




    Wise words of wisdom was the typical subject this last few days,  I got to spend some time with one of my colleagues parents.  It felt like my own parents were there with me. This is something that is priceless,  Thank you Joshep Minuskin.


    It is scary how our kids are just like us.  This last week I spent more time with my daughter than in the last few months and I discovered how we are so much alike,  we have the similar characters that some times we bump heads with  one another and then the next minute we love each other again I guess thats what love is all about right.



    I got to spend some time with the family and do some Christmas shopping with my daughter and wife and I could not help but to do one last piece before our trip ended I guess I’m just like that. I had to take care of my boy Piero’s brother in law Mike,  We had a private session at the W Hotel in Time square.  Nice and peaceful but still very long and painful session.





    I had a great time and I will come back as soon possible, I want to thank all my boys out there in Brooklyn for showing us so much love POLO, Jacob, hermano Feliz, Piero and the whole Whank team Jake we will see you soon dont forget to bring Big E with you.




    Well I say good bye for now but I Leave with a smile that will carry you through the next year when we will again meet to add to the tons of memories all ready shared.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Every one.

    Jose Lopez

    That greatest gift is the Joy of a gift shared; That giving of ourselves,

    Our time,
    Our encouragement, Our resourcefulness.

    That greatest gift is the giving
    Of ourselves to a worthy other,
    So that special one can enhance The value and number of his or her

    Gifts to the world.

    So let us give and spread
    Our love and joy by giving through The gift of ourselves to another; Let us be blessed by the satisfaction Of giving so that we can receive The greater gift of renewed fortune To give once more of ourselves.

    Thanks for the Love Anthony Mammo!


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    The year is coming to an end and with the new year a lot of things are changing, and the family is getting bigger.  The up coming trip to London is around the corner and a few new artists will be joining us,  Andrick Aviles is someone who reminds me of when I first started only he is a lot better.  When I first started I didn’t know where tattoos would take me,  I never imagine I would travel the world well this time Andrick will be joining  us on this mazing travels and with him  he will bring a new style of tattooing of his own.  At a young age he is already doing some amazing work I’m really honored to have the opportunity to work with him and keep my heart young for to work with some one younger rejuvenates the soul.  I can already see what lies ahead of this young mans future in the tattoo throne of the elite, but I’m sure it will be a lot more exiting to experience it along next to him for it is the journey that we share as colleagues that matters most and not the end goal that some times turns us people in to monsters.



    tupacbyandrick andrickportrait2

    It’s not so important to be liked, But to like yourself;

    It’s not so important to be good, But to be better;

    It’s not so important to receive respect from others, But to earn respect for yourself;

    It’s not so important to spend money on a person, But to spend quality time with a person;

    It’s not important to be important, But to be appreciated.


    Andrick Aviles