Take a look at the recap from the recent London 2013 campaign. This past run has been one of the best and smoothest trips. With all the support from the people of Europe behind us, the energy and work momentum stayed strong throughout the late hours. The best part for me was to see my brothers Miguel and Noah taking things to the next level, and the effort they put into the craft. Giving as much attention in growing their minds as well as their work, these guys are leading a path to becoming great artists. And Jose, always giving and paying close attention and care in growing the team effort, guiding and empowering as a true leader. And of course we can’t forget the bones of the trip Alex, Steven and Toby. Without their hard work, patience, and motivational ball breaking, we would never have pulled through the long sessions. Enjoy this final release of all the work and also make sure you’re keeping up at: Lowrider Tattoo,, and And for those in Italy, don’t forget to stop by the Lowrider Tattoo booth at the Milan convention this weekend where Jose, Miguel and Noah will be at work. Thanks to all for the love and support, more to come! – Jun Cha
photos by : Alex Fitzpatrick